这是警察案件图文攻略指南 这是警察全破案拼图答案(这是警察案件详细图文攻略)
作者:来源网络 来源:网络 时间:2023-12-11 00:00:00
Day 4 - Homicide - Ronnie Moore

Day 5 - Robbery - City Center

Day 9 - Arson - The Last Picture Show Theater
Day 13 - Hit and Run - City Center

Day 16 - Theft - Museum of Feelings and fine Art

Day 21 - Theft - St. John's Hospital

Day 23 - Homicide - Fiona Kaylis

Day 59 - Drug Sales - King Lewis Night Club

Day 62 - Double Homicide - Every Day Mall

Day 66 - Arson - Freeburg Birth Control Union

Day 73 - Homicide - Edgar Sanchez
Day 84 - Abduction - Desire Park

Day 90 - Attempted Carjacking - FurFur Store

Day 94 - Missing Person - Suburb

Day 100 - Child Molestation - St. John's Cathedral

Day 7 - The Red Masks - Receiving stolen property

Day 7-9 - The Red Masks - Sale of stolen goods

Day 60-62 - Atala - Drug Posession

Day 62-67 - Atala - Drug Trafficking

Day 24 - The Sands - Hit and Run

Day 59-62 - The Sands - Theft

Day 66-71 - The Sands - Extortion and Assault
Day 73-75 - The Sands - Abduction

Day 75-78 - The Sands - Homicide

Day 93-94 - Keylesses - Carjacking

Day 94-96 - Keylesses - Receiving Stolen Property
Day 97-99 - Keylesses - Smuggling

Day 103-105 - The Church - Drug Possession

Day 156-158 - The Church - Drug Manufacturing
Day 161-163 - The Snow Warriors - Homicide

Day 164-166 - The Snow Warriors - Abuction

Day 166-168 - The Snow Warriors - Terrorism

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